Thursday, August 10, 2006

Twelve Vivid Memories of My Life Before I Was Six

1. Watching my mom unpack things and put them in the kitchen cabinets of our new house.

2. Mom crying the day JFK was shot and watching the funeral with Mom on our 19" Zenith black and white TV.

3. Being allowed to pack my Mary Poppins suitcase all by myself for an overnight trip with Dad and Mom to Shreveport, Louisiana.

4. Wondering why Mom and Dad brought a baby brother home from the hospital instead of the pet monkey that I requested.

5. Laying on the livingroom floor with the teenaged daughters of my parents' friends and watching The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show. I clearly remember thinking that you couldn't even hear the singers because all the dumb girls were screaming so loud.

6. Stripping down to my panties and running around the outside of my Granny W.'s house in the rain.

7. Sitting on Granny W.'s lap while she read me Bible stories.

8. Snow ice cream.

9. My mom laying in bed with me and singing songs before I went to sleep.

10. The murmur of my parents' voices in the kitchen and the smell of coffee when I woke up in the morning.

11. Traveling on a passenger train with my Granny W. to visit my aunt and uncle in Louisiana.

12. Standing on the sidewalk in town and singing a church hymn at the top of my lungs while Mom tried to get me in the car.


Blogger Angelina said...

I really like the last one! How charming to sing while you rebel!

10:57 AM  
Blogger Tiggerlane said...

Since you wrote this post - I've been trying to come up with six vivid memories from before I was TWELVE...

And does your brother read this blog?? I'm sure you told him about your request as he got older, right?

8:18 PM  
Blogger willowtree said...

I have only one vivid memory of before I was five and that is crying as my mother walked down the road after leaving me at my grandmother's house.

I lived with them from when I was 12 months old until I was 5. Ocassionaly I'd spend the weekends with my family.

I like yours better.

3:15 AM  
Blogger Another Chance Ranch said...

Oh I sang in rebellion one day. My mom had said how good looking our mailman was, I was probably 6. So she was laying out in the back yard when I heard the mailman drive up. I took off and she screamed NO! Then I proceeded to sing Rod Stewarts' Hot Legs to the good looking mailman with my mom trying to get me to stop without showing herself in her bikini to him.

3:07 PM  

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