Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Parental Pride

I always wanted to have children, but I found out long ago that becoming a mother was an unlikely event for me. So I became a teacher instead. Fifteen years and hundreds of children later, I feel that I have experienced some degree of motherhood and I am content.

I have always had animals as a part of my family and, needless to say, I become quite attached to them. Case in point: Jasper. I love my other dog, Cherokee, and my cat, Africa, but Jasper is my baby.

I recently had to make arrangements for Jasper to stay at the kennel while I spent four days in the Dallas area. My mom takes care of my other animals, but she and I both prefer that Jasper stay at the "doggie motel". So I stop by the kennel to make sure they have room for Jasper and the lady behind the counter says, "Oh, of course we have room for Jasper. He is the sweetest little dog. And so well-behaved. You've done such a good job training him." As I walked out the door, I found myself beaming with pride. My dog is sweet and well-behaved! I've done a good job!! I wanted a bumper sticker that says "My dog is an honor student at Dogwood Kennels". I wanted a report card. Jasper might very well become the valedictorian of his doggie class. And I am a good doggie parent! ( Disnementia.....I'm telling you....I have it bad.)

As if the reservation clerk accolades were not enough, when I picked Jasper up on Sunday another woman was behind the counter. "You're here to pick Jasper up? He is such a beautiful little dog. He has perfect markings. Have you ever considered showing him?" I was struck speechless ( which is amazing for me ) with rapturous pride. What an animal I have raised. Jasper a potential winner of the Westminster show. Forget bumper stickers. Now I have visions of gold cups, blue ribbons, best of breed, best in show......Mr. Doggie America!!!

Then Jasper came running around the end of the counter, tail wagging and a big doggie smile on his face. Suddenly, he stopped, sniffed the edge of the counter and hefted his leg. Oh well, I guess even superstars have to pee.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was funny!!!

2:10 PM  
Blogger Tiggerlane said...

Okay, I'll declare you officially a "mother" when you hold Jasper lovingly to your chest, all the while whispering in a soothing manner,"There, there...it's okay," - while he's throwing up in your hair.

THEN we'll talk motherhood!!

(Insert evil laugh here.)

10:47 PM  
Blogger SongBird said...

Oh, oh, oh....I want to say something so badly about you having hair on your chest....but I won't 'cause I love ya! I know I will never officially be a mother. It makes me feel sad sometimes. :( But then school starts and I get over it pretty quick!

12:30 AM  

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